Activ8 owner Anna Laboon knows. She knows what it is like to parent two children with special needs. She knows the struggles at home and the struggles with schools. She has lived the highs and the lows, over days, weeks…more than twelve years.
In addition to this lived experience, Anna counts a Master’s in Special Education among her degrees, and has worked for years within the education and advocacy arenas. Professionally, and in advocating for her own boys, she has developed close and fruitful relationships with some of the best doctors, therapists and educators around.
A compassionate mother, a skilled teacher and an effective advocate, Anna is exceptionally prepared to help you and your child transform a toxic school experience into a productive path with a bright horizon. She can rescue your relationship with your child’s school, helping to secure the support and a customized plan that will make the difference. She has an exceptional track record in this regard, and has frequently made it unnecessary for families to hire a costly special education attorney to engage the district as an adversary. She is highly respected within the Newport Mesa school district.
In short, Anna can help open the doors to activate your child’s mind. Here are some of the ways:
- Helps prepare for, and accompany parents to a variety of public school meetings, including: Individualized Educational Program (IEP), Section 504, Student Study Team (SST), Informal Dispute Resolution (IDR) meetings, and Expulsion Hearings.
- Formulates appropriate IEP goals, accommodations, modifications, behavior plans, and identifies appropriate related services such as Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy, Assistive Technology, Adaptive PE, and aide support as appropriate.
- Provides expert opinions in exploring school placement, drafts dispute resolution proposals, state Department of Education complaints, letters, and written requests to district personnel and administration.
- Reviews school records, Special Education records, 504 plans, and private assessments and evaluations.
- Creates lessons for tutors to support the child’s IEP goals in order to help achieve these goals at a faster pace.
- Consults with specialists who are knowledgeable about the child.
- Assesses each student’s case, and when appropriate, assists parents in seeking reimbursement for outside services for past, present, and future educational expenses.
- Observes child in their classroom environment and creates curriculum to support the classroom teacher.
- Informs parents/guardians of their educational rights.
- Communicates with child's teacher, therapists, school or district (phone or in-person) as needed.
Anna knows. She has walked the path. Let her walk with you.