


Experienced and committed, our tutors help K-12 students to succeed by creating tailored, individual programs for your child. We believe the best way for students to learn is to receive individualized, one-on-one instruction that is customized to fit their needs and learning style in any subject.



In addition to subject matter, even the smartest students struggle with focus, organization and effective study habits. This struggle can lead to poor grades and low self-esteem. Activ8's Private Tutoring program adapts to your child's curriculum and homework, helping to improve grades and bolstering confidence.

We select tutors to fit your child’s unique personality and learning style. We customize each and every session to your child’s needs, not only in attacking homework, but in building core skills that will serve them for a lifetime. Experienced and committed, our tutors help K-12 students to succeed by partnering directly with parents, teachers, and specialists to create tailored, individual programs.


K-12 Language Arts, Phonics, Handwriting, Essay Writing, Reading Comprehension, College Essay Writing, SAT Reading and Writing, K-12 Math, SAT math, Algebra 1&2, Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus & Calculus, Statistics, Science, History, Geography, Spanish and more. Please ask us about subjects not listed.


  • Brooke Palmer
    Rooney and Penn have attended Activ8 for years now. Due to the nature of our alternative family lifestyle, which is travel based, we needed a tutoring center that was both flexible and professional. Activ8 is just that. Their tutors are nothing short of professional, while at the same time they cultivate a warm and loving learning environment for my kids. My kids beg to go to tutoring which I never expected to happen. Activ8 really does go above and beyond for our family. Their services have allowed us to both continue on as a traveling boat family while still maintaining and meeting proper scholastic goals and for that we are very grateful.
    Brooke Palmer
  • Jean

    I wanted to thank you for all the help Ada has received at your center. She had a bit of a difficult 4th-grade year, both socially and emotionally. Her grades then started to fall in the 2nd trimester, along with her overall confidence. We signed her up for Activ8 and noticed an immediate difference at school. She loves going to tutoring so much that she asked to go daily.  

    We just received her latest report card, and she did very well. She is very proud of herself, and I can see her confidence has improved a lot. I know this is a result of many things, but her one on one time with your tutors and being more prepared for tests have been the cornerstone of her improvement. When Ada started Activ8, the way she was passing math tests was to stay in at recess or lunch several times a week, where she received extra tutoring or needed extra time to finish her tests. Unfortunately, I think pulling her off the playground contributed to the already challenging social and emotional difficulties that she was having at school. I wanted to get on top of that before it became worse, so she started Activ8. Since the tutoring at Activ8 began, Ada has received all A's on math tests without any extra time or support from the school. I think that is a striking difference. 
  • "My fourth grader was struggling with homework, organization and time management.. Activ8 has been amazing at motivating him through simple organizational skills and positive re-enforcement. All of the staff and tutors have been wonderful and go above and beyond normal tutoring responsibilities. We have had an extremely good experience at Activ8 and have noticed improvements my son's grades and confidence."

    - Brooke